Rationale / Disclaimer:

In developing this ranking JIN's primary goal was to find a new, consistent and balanced way to map out C-level’s profiles/presence on LinkedIn that was not uniquely based on quantitative analysis, but also added a qualitative angle and some "real world" facts to ensure communication is not an end in itself.

JIN’s aim is to enable a more thorough view on C-level communication and create a baseline for discussion and comparison across industries and European markets.

Analysing community score and engagement score on LinkedIn were quantitative factors that made up half (100 points) of the possible total score in the ranking (200 points). Qualitative factors were analysed in a measurement JIN has outlined as the Positive Influence Score, which made up the other possible half of attainable points.
Community Score
Maximum 50 possible points out of 200
Data gathered - August 1st

The C-level’s community score counts the number of followers on Linkedin by profile of a C-level. To make absolute community size comparable between the C-level profiles analyzed, the highest ranked C-level was benchmarked with 50 out of 50 and the rest of C-level were scored in relative numbers against that benchmark.

The C-level with the largest community mapped was Frédéric Oudéa, from Société Générale, with 319,7K followers.

So John Doe, working for the John Doe Corporation Inc, who has 100K Linkedin followers on his profile has a community score of (100,000 / 319,725)*50 = 31,3 points out of 50.
Engagement Score
Maximum 50 possible points out of 200
Data gathered - August 1st

The C-level’s engagement score calculated the average level of engagements of their last posts. The average amount of posts monitored for C-levels analysed was 35. The highest amount of posts analysed was 80. To ensure consistency the minimum amount of posts was 10. However, if we felt that a C-level should be included in the ranking despite having less than 10 posts, they received an engagement score equal to zero.
To make absolute engagement numbers comparable between the C-level profiles analyzed, the same rationale than for the community score was applied. However, as Ugur Sahin of Biontech engagement scores were stellar (N°1 - + 700% compared to n°2) due to the recent development of the COVID vaccine, we decided to not benchmark with this outlier, but rather with the number two of engagement level, Noel Quinn (n°2) of HSBC as a reference benchmark and 2,548 average likes. We believe this to be a more balanced point of view on engagement scores.

As a result, John Doe, working for the John Doe Corporation Inc, generating an average of 1,000 Linkedin likes per post has an engagement score of 19,6 points = (1,000 / 2,548)*50.
Positive Influence Score
Maximum 100 points out of 200
Data gathered - August 1st & 2020 Annual Reports of respective companies

Disclaimer: The Positive Influence Score is a qualitative measurement designed by JIN. It comprises two sub-scores, the "Editorial Score" and the "True Impact Score".

● The Editorial Score – maximum of 50 points out of 200

To establish the narrative of the C-levels, we reviewed the share of posts dedicated to:

→ diversity & inclusion (10 points)

→ employee well-being and future of work (10 points)

→ to innovation and Tech4Good (10 points)

→ to sustainability / green topics (20 points)

All of the above are categories that touch topics within a C-levels area of responsibility and are indicators of a more stakeholder directed communication and positive impact. They are aimed to measure whether leaders place priority on these matters.

So Jane Doe, who works at the Jane Doe Corporation Inc. posts regularly on Linkedin, on a diverse set of topics that are more or less related to his professional activities, but encompass areas beyond the skill based aspect of his job. Of the 80 posts of the past year:

Five are related to diversity and inclusion. Therefore his Diversity & Inclusion sub-score will be 0,0625 ((5/80)*10 = 0,625).

Five are related to future of work and employee well-being. Therefore, his future of work subscore will be of 0,625 (5/80 * 10 = 0,625).

Five speak to Tech4Good, so his Tech4Good subscore will be of 0,625 (5/80 * 10 = 0,625)

Fifty-five relate to green topics and sustainability, his sustainability subscore will be of 13,75 (55/80 * 15 = 13,75).

This makes a grand total Editorial Score of 15,6 out of 50 possible (0,625+0,625+0,625+13,75 = 15,6)
● The True Impact Score- maximum of 50 points out of 200

Aims to measure if the editorial line and narrative of the C-level on Linkedin is backed by real life facts gathered in their respective companies´ annual reports. This score measures company performance in these categories, not specific individuals or C-level performance.

However, we believe it represents valid indication for potential dissonance between communicated priorities and actual priorities as C-levels not only hold tremendous power on company objectives and activities but also over their own editorial line.

Completely in line with the Editorial Score categories, the True Impact Score measured:

→ the share of diversity representatives in Board of Directors (company diversity subscore) (10 points)
→ the share of women in management positions (female representation subscore) (15 points)
→ the ratio of UN Sustainability Goals towards which the company actually contributes / the share of revenue engaged towards sustainable projects (sustainable investment subscore) (15 points)
→ Glassdoor ranking of the company (employee well-being subscore) (10 points)

The Jane Doe Corporation Inc. (of which Jane Doe is CEO) has :

- two women and two people of ethnic minorities on its board of directors which is composed of a total of 12 directors. Subsequently, the diversity subscore will be 3,3 ((2+2)/12)*10 = 3,3).

- 20% of management positions are female, so the female representation subscore will be of 3 ((20/100)*15 = 3)

- In 2020, 10% of Jane Doe Inc. were invested into sustainability projects, making part of the sustainability score 1,5 ((10/100)*15 = 1,5) and the other part of the sustainability score of the Jane Doe Corporation amounts to 4,4 ((5/17)*15) as it reports to directly invest into 5 of the 17 UN Sustainability Goals. The total sustainable investment score will amount to 2,95 ((1,5+4,4)/2 = 2,95)

On Glassdoor, Jane Doe Inc averages ⅘ stars from previous and current employees, amounting to 8 points ((⅘)*10 = 8) for the employee wellbeing score.

In total, Jane Doe, as the C-level of Jane Doe Inc receives 17,5 of 50 points( 3,3+3+2,95+8) for true impact.